Factory Reset

Life needs a factory reset button. Imagine if there was a button that gives someone the ability to restart their existence.
The problem is people will probably make the same mistakes if they can’t remember what they want to change. Another potential problem is that the world will never progress because it will keep getting reset. There are at least four humanitarian crises currently happening in the world. “No one would care if some random person’s work-in-progress isn’t published.”
Art survives through the ages. The blinking cursor is every writer’s worst nightmare. Extreme self-doubt is a job requirement for artists. Reset buttons aren’t available, unfortunately. Here are a few tips to help the words flow.
Eat Something and Drink Water
Brains need fuel to function. Not everyone has time to prepare a large breakfast every morning. Grab a piece of fruit, or make a smoothie. Eating food provides the body with the energy it needs to survive. Don’t put off meals to write. Find small portable meals like soup, or make a grown-up version of a Lunchable. Charcuterie boards are the adult versions of the Lunchables with the turkey, cheese, and crackers. Individual pizzas do exist. They can be prepped ahead of time, and are versatile.
Water is essential to survival. Adulthood convinces the universe that the secret to a successful day is caffeine. People have never died from caffeine deprivation.
Dehydration is fatal if not treated. Coffees have a variety of different flavors, and preparations which make them more enticing. Pumpkin spice-flavored water is an option though. Another option to make water more exciting consider a diffuser. Citrus fruits such as lemons, and oranges make boring tap water into a refreshing beverage.
Sitting at a computer for hours can make a person cranky. Go for a walk every few hours. Some time away from the screen is always a good move. Pinterest has a few seated workouts if moving locations leads to distraction.
Journaling grants an author the ability to filter out their ideas. Have a sudden bout of inspiration? Jot down the new ideas for later. Had an awful day? Rant about it in your journal. Creativity can spark from anywhere. One Day is an app that saves all of the entries. It also has a passcode feature to keep out unwanted readers. The best part? It’s free to download.
Reward Systems
Another way to stay motivated to finish that work in progress is by setting up an award system. Each milestone met earns a reward.
A few examples are eating a favorite snack after writing two chapters, watching a favorite show after achieving a target word count, or taking a special trip before sending query letters.
This world can be brutal. There isn’t a reset button, but revitalization is possible. Art will always prevail. Hydrate and eat when hungry. Journaling helps filter thoughts and ideas. Move every few hours, and set rewards along the way. Every book was once a work in progress, so don’t give up on the story.