5 Tips To Stay Committed To Your Fitness Resolution
One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight, eat healthy, join a gym, or all three. This is a great resolution, with a renewed sense of dedication each December and in January, the gym attendance is strong, you’re eating healthy, cutting out those sugars, drinking all the water, and you’re feeling great. Then, February comes, and the motivation starts to wear off, and by March, it’s gone completely. Self-doubt creeps in and you criticize and question why you even started. Below are five tips to help keep you on track.
1. Make Daily Habits for a Future Goal
I don’t know about you, but I become very overwhelmed when I have a large goal. I don’t know how to start, and I end up losing motivation to actually do it. Losing weight can be a daunting task. If, however, your goal is to lose 50 pounds, give that goal a date. Let’s use June 1st, 2019. If you want to lose 50 pounds by June 1st, what are some daily habits you can create to help get you there? Maybe it’s to cut out sugar, or to not over eat, to walk three times a week, or just say no to the chocolate!
However, it could also be positive self-talk, surrounding yourself with motivational people, quotes, social media. Whatever it is, create those daily habits that will help you reach your end goal.
2. Make A Plan
Planning might seem difficult or boring, but this can make a huge difference. When going to the gym, or doing a home workout, knowing what you will be doing beforehand will help motivate and focus your mind. Meal prepping? Plan out what meals you will be eating for the week and get them ready. Not quite at the meal prepping stage? Then plan what you will not eat. This way, when temptation comes, it will be easier to say no.
3. Start Small
Don’t overthink it, and start small! What I mean is, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds and to eat healthier, start with giving up one thing or adding one thing to your diet. Sometimes, it’s harder to start a diet that is different from what you are used to. Start with giving up soda, or chocolate, or add more vegetables and fruits. Instead of eating that bagel for breakfast, eat an apple. Small choices like this create habits and can lead to more and more choices that lead you to that end weight and healthier eating lifestyle.
This works for workouts as well. Don’t go to the gym thinking you will lift or run as fast as others. Start with 3-5 moves and small amounts of cardio, like walking for 30 minutes. When you feel yourself getting stronger, up the weights and change up the cardio.
4. Drink Water
“Duh, of course I should drink water.” No, I mean really drink water. Drink half your body weight in ounces. Water not only hydrates you, but gives you energy, helps your organs function properly, cleans out your body, hydrates your skin, and replenishes your body. This goes well with starting small. Start a daily habit of drinking more than you’re used to. Buy a reusable water bottle and think, “I will drink two of these a day.” After a week or so, change it to three a day. (And don’t cheat by filling up with ice constantly.)
5. Make a Commitment to Yourself, and Keep It
The only person who can keep your goals is yourself. No one can do this for you. So, when you make that commitment to yourself, keep it. Act like your time at the gym are meetings you CAN’T MISS. Pretend you made a promise to someone important in your life to drink more water, because your promises to yourself should be the most important. No one can take care of yourself except you. You are just as important as those around you. Be sure to commit and see it through.
But, most of all, give yourself a break. Like any goal, it’s not easy. There will be challenges and days you want to give up. Days when you berate yourself for eating that slice of pizza. You know what? Eat the damn pizza and start again tomorrow. Be forgiving of yourself and try your best. That’s all anyone can do.