What Is Your Attitude?

We go through life and never really stop to think about how much our attitude affects the people around us and us. When have you thought about your attitude or how you reacted to someone or a certain situation? Most people, if they are honest, will say they never think about it.
People feed off of their emotions and how they feel at that moment, then they react. Sometimes this causes situations and relationships to take a turn for the worse. Once you stop reacting by your emotions, things change. It will feel strange for a moment to pause and think about what you want to say or do.
The most successful people in life have learned the secret of being grateful and putting forth their positive attitude. I am sure we all remember the saying “Attitude is Everything.” This is the truth, and it will make you have a great day or a terrible day. It will ensure your relationship is blissful or on the rocks. There are several scenarios we face daily, and our chosen attitude plays a huge part in the outcome.
The fact is that in life there are times that no matter what we do it will not change the situation we are in. Things don’t always go the way you want them to, and you have the choice to decide how you will respond to these circumstances. Are you going to be angry at the world or are you going to pick yourself up and face each day with gratitude that you are here and alive for another day?
Ultimately, the choice is yours to make. God gives us the free will to decide every day, every hour and every moment how we will react. Sometimes we get stuck in this rut or cycle of reacting negatively. Our lives pass us by, and we don’t even know it because we are too busy feeling sorry for ourselves. One day we wake up and wonder how we got where we are.
Change is uncomfortable, and if you want something to change, you have to work hard at it and not just when you feel like it. Sacrifice and being uncomfortable will be worth it in the end. People get caught up in their circumstances, and they don’t move through them to the good on the other side because their attitude holds them back. So today, before you speak or react pause for a moment and change your attitude to a positive one. The world needs more positivity, and it can start with you.