Author: Amber Jenkins
How Ordinary Things Helped Me Grow
Writing is more than just story-telling. It's character-building as well. Some writers have tips and tricks that they use to improve. I have found ...How My Nerdiness Is Helping Me Cope
I will be the first to tell you that suffering from anxiety is far from fun. Every moment of every day, my brain works ...Trials Of A Seer – Part One
Excitement built in the air, so thick that you could taste it. Some might say you could even eat it. Today was the day ...Orion’s Embrace Part 14
Having fled to my room to think about my previous actions, I felt lost. There was no doubt that I was confused or that ...Winter’s Calling
the end is near and yet we can see the line i wonder, do you hear? the whispers so fine softly the thickness coats ...Orion’s Embrace Part 13
I had a job on the ship now. The one task that I could complete to pass the time until we arrived at our ...Orion’s Embrace Part 12
Being able to get the thoughts and feelings that were running through my head on paper was exhilarating. The weight that settled on my ...Orion’s Embrace Part 11
Standing here in my room, I wondered what I was going to do next. It was clear that someone on this ship was attempting ...Concentric Circles
time encapsulated warmth embraced love harnessed chaos reigns death begins life ends swirling mists dancing starts lights twinkle in the din of silence everything ...