Author: Sunita Lodwig
The Wildcat
Our youngest sister, Juji, was born with her own rules, and demanded everyone follow them. To understanding her logic took some effort, but ultimately, ...The Village Headman
Daddy occasionally takes longer trips away from home, lasting a few days. Rohtak, a small town close to Delhi, offered a unique experience. A ...Mathura and the Taj
Visiting Mathura is another memorable trip with three siblings and our parents. I am ten, Sudhir is two years younger, and Munna is a ...Fireflies and Dancing Peacocks
It is getting close to the end of our summer vacation. Daddy works in remote villages. We will be accompanying him to the Rohtak ...Growing Up -The Bangalore Years
The transition to Bangalore is epic. All our furnishings and heavy household items are to be sold. Even then, a moving company moves heavy ...Growing Up – The Delhi Years
“Yes, Daddy, yes! That’s the book the teacher read in class.” Daddy is turning pages of a children’s book entitled Fix it, Please. ...Skateboards and Paper Jams
Another darn problem! Nothing is going right today, simply nothing! The smallest of tasks has me beating my head against the wall. Now it’s ...Glimpses of Small Town India of Yore
I was ten when Daddy put me on a train to Ambala. Alone and unsupervised for the first time, feeling quite grown up, I ...Beloved Brother Gone-Part 2
The visit to Ottawa ended. Nothing had been resolved. It was clear Sudhir needed to continue under supervised care, and he was sick of ...Beloved Brother Gone-Part 1
In the hushed, soft-lit room, Sudhir lies in a pine coffin draped with a white cloth. Munna, my younger sister, and I arrange white ...