Daddy’s Girl

Hearts shattered
The “why’s” never answered
Tears flow swollen and hot
Burning blue eyes
Inherited from you
Daddy’s little girl
I’ve always been
No matter the time
That passed
As a child, I talked to you
Whispering my fears and dreams
Whispering I love you Daddy to a
Midnight sky,
North star
Pointing in your direction
Missing your presence
Your quick smile
Hunting starfish
At 2 am
walking the sandy beach
except the crashing waves
and my excited chatter
Dancing to the record player
My small feet upon your boots
Never missing a step
Never touching the floor.
Your first meeting with your grandson
Such pride and joy shining through
sky blue eyes
Never once a condemning comment
About my young age
Happy your name would carry on.
Both of us, you made over
From our stance, looks, down to your serious humor.
Staying in touch tickled me purple
Just to have my Daddy back in my life
I knew this time I would never let go.
Though life blew me around,
I thought of you everyday
Quick calls checking in and those
In which I chattered so,
Visits when possible
Thinking there’s always time
As it quietly ticks away
I should have called more,
Visited more
I wish you could have spent time with your great granddaughter.
I could waste the days
on regrets and guilt
Yet, I can hear you tsk
Shaking your head
But some days I find it hard to breathe
Fighting back the gush of tears
Struggle to maintain until alone
Your unexpected death cast
a cold shadow over those left behind
We try to pick up the pieces
So slowly I try to get back to living
Do something I know will make you proud.
Keeping you alive in my heart
As so many will;
your kind nature
And big heart
Touched all those blessed to know you
So many jokes;
so many laughs,
so much love
Not enough time
Looking up at the night sky
Fixated on the North Star
Again, this little girl sends messages through the shimmering stars
Hoping they’ll be delivered to
My confidant, friend, my beloved Daddy.
I’ve teared up reading this. He was always so proud to tell me and anyone who would listen about you being in school, when you were coming up, what Clayton was up to, and Ava. The last time I seen him I told him how much he reminded me of my grandfather (my daddy) because of his laid back nature, generous heart, deadpan sense of humor, and his blue eyes shining. He said if he was going to be compared to anyone, his uncle Doug was good enough good enough for him. I know how much he loved you and he’d want you to find peace and happiness. I hope Ava hears all the wonderful stories about him. This is very good and heart wrenching as well. I love you.