Friendship Nevermore

I found you one day
Alone and wandering
Among the jungle of peers
You were a candle in the dark
The light solely radiating
Within your solitude
I took you in
Called you mine
Braved many jungles since
While lovers never to be
Leaving that chapter behind
We stayed close hand in hand
Promising friendship
Forever and eternity
As it was meant to be
But you left
You left me behind
Unraveling our forever
Until it became ruined
You left us behind
Breaking every made promise
Leaving it scattered like broken glass
You became a memory
A painful knife
Striking my heart repeatedly
Until it left wounds and scars
Wounds that never should be
Scars decorating my heart
While you deemed us worthless
Did you really not care?
As you said to me that fateful day?
Was it mere lies?
To hide the cowardly beast inside?
I wish I knew
As I sincerely hoped
Desired it would be a mere dream
To unbreak my heart and soul
Becoming whole once again
To make the pain disappear
But life is never that easy
I found you one day
Alone and wandering
As you became my undoing