My Five Most Favorite Love Poems

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I would like to share a few of my most favorite love poems. Each has a unique interpretation of love and also inspired me to express my own.
- “I Carry Your Heart” Poem by E. E. Cummings captures the picture of profound true love. The speaker beautifully expresses his abject love to a person who has become the center of his attention, with his world revolving around that one person. You know you find the one when you value somebody’s existence as much as you value your own.
2. Although it seems rude to remind a woman that her beauty will fade as she ages, the speaker in “When You Are Old” by William Butler Yeats enchants the reader with an appealing metaphorical comparison to his genuine love for the woman who has rejected him. For example, “grey and weak and full of sleep” symbolizes an elderly woman. “Fire” is the symbol of the fiery love she once rejected. Nothing is more romantic than knowing that your partner is in it for the long haul!
3. In “Come, And Be My Baby” by Maya Angelou, the speaker ensures her love interest that she will always be there, even when the world has gone crazy. This poem is so relevant right now. There is so much chaos going on: pandemic scares, crazy climate changes, etc. I feel safe though because I have my baby next to me.
4. “{love is more thicker than forget]” by E. E. Cummings is another of my favorites from E. E. Cummings. He points out that there are so many he can’t express. Still, while he can’t name it, love is a force as big as the sky, the sea, and the world.
5. “Belonged to You” is an original poem of mine. I wrote it the day I fell completely in love with my husband. We will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary on March 24th. It presents my unique interpretation of how my soul belongs with his.
There are many ways to express the amazing feeling of being in love. Nothing is more special or powerful than expressing through the beauty of words though.
Featured Image by Nietjuh, courtesy of Pixabay