My Knight

I fly
my kite
sky high
and cry
“Bye-bye, bright knight!”
and sigh.
My eyes
drip dry
in spite
of rite.
And I
eyes dry,
smile –
“Bright knight
Deep sky
awaits thee –
I fly
my kite
sky high
and cry
“Bye-bye, bright knight!”
and sigh.
My eyes
drip dry
in spite
of rite.
And I
eyes dry,
smile –
“Bright knight
Deep sky
awaits thee –
Aviva Derenowski lives in Staten Island, New York. She practices Vipassana meditation for an hour twice daily. She published three books, including Talking to my mother - 99 anecdotes and edited the anthology Celebrating Our Mothers. Aviva published poems in Ariel Chart, Love & Spine Fiction Showcase, and Literary Yard; short fiction in Synchronized Chaos; and non-fiction in Communities.