New Year, Now What?
The holidays are busy for everyone. It’s a flurry of presents, loved ones, and memories. Honestly, after all the celebrations, I’m lost on how to move forward every year. Goal setting is helpful, but routines are difficult to keep. The first few weeks are good, and then life has other plans. Here are a few ideas I’ve come up with to achieve my goals.
Write Short Stories
Novels take time. World-building is a complex process. My main issue is breaking down my books into parts that don’t seem impossible. I have tried telling myself to write scenes and several small chapters. One strategy that worked during school was writing short stories with my characters. It isn’t as overwhelming because it’s done once I finish writing the story. I don’t have an unknown number of chapters left until the book is done. Writing short stories excites me, and I want to write my own novels so I can complete one this year.
Read Multiple Books
Reading multiple books at once is helpful. A solid rotation of a few stories works because I can switch depending on what I need to do. Audiobooks are good for when I want to read while doing other tasks. It helps me stay engaged so I don’t get bored, allowing me to reach my Goodreads goal faster.
Take Breaks
The world is always changing. Often, a person feels guilty for not working. You will burn out, and you won’t be able to help anyone. Breaks are important, and keep you recharged. Your break could be a walk outside, or a nice shower with a bath bomb. Your favorite meal is something simple you can do that will take little energy. One of my therapists suggested buying something for yourself that isn’t related to your career field is good. This way it’s a treat and something just for you. Naps are also wonderful. Get dressed in your most comfortable clothes and relax. Routines are challenging, but do whatever you need to accomplish your goals. Prioritize yourself so that you can show up for others.