
There once was a free bird,
Who loved to sing.
There once was a happy bird,
That loved to fly.
There once was a content bird,
Who loved to eat and drink of life.
But a hunter came by,
Who loved the bird’s beauty.
He thought to himself,
“I could only be happy with a bird like that”.
So he took the bird for his liking.
And for awhile the bird thought,
“This isn’t so bad”.
But the bird was fooled.
For it was trapped,
Locked away, and never to see sunlight.
Or feel the wind underneath its wings.
There came a point when the bird thought,
“If only I can be free again”.
As if god heard its prayers,
The raging wind knocked open the cage door.
And away the bird flew!
But little did the bird know,
That one night while it was asleep.
The hunter placed a chip reader inside the bird.
So now wherever it goes,
The hunter will follow.
And only time will tell if it’ll ever be truly free.