Tag: Advice and How-To
No Fun Nurse: Never Ever Jump on a Trampoline
If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you might have spent a lot of time jumping on a trampoline. With no net. Or spring covers. You probably launched your little brother as high into the air as you could, and your dad might have done the same to you. Chicken Little Reasoning We ...Find Your Passion and do it with Desire and Purpose
We all have a list of the things we need to do. Adulthood is full of them. Our days are full of work, chores, and responsibilities. What’s your passion? What fills you with joy and gives you purpose outside of normal day-to-day productivity? It’s time to give your passion the attention and purpose it deserves. ...Prescription for a Book Slump
Have you ever read a fantastic book and struggled to return to your reality afterward because you could not stop thinking about said book? You may think this is an awesome problem. The book world captivated your attention. You didn’t want to leave. It’s an author’s dream, but a reader’s worst nightmare. A condition that ...Boost Your Summer Vegetable Garden with Expert Pollination Techniques
The summer vegetable garden is about more than growing beautiful plants. The end goal is fresh, delicious produce for our family to eat. I enjoy thriving plants, but fruitless ones are a letdown. Let me share a few pollination techniques to increase your yields for this summer growing season. Pollination is the Key Most plants ...My Top Five Organic Fertilizers to Grow Bigger Vegetables
Welcome to the world of homesteading in the city. I am your tour guide on the ins and outs of growing food in your backyard. A decade ago, I began my quest to grow better, tastier food right in our backyard. It is a journey. After ten years, I am still learning what works. When ...Focus Fumbles
I hate not being able to focus. My thoughts are a million miles a minute. Part of me thinks a nap would help, but I’ve already spent two hours trying without success. Coffee and covering up with blankets are how I will survive the day. The best solution for me is to find one small ...5 Tips For A Beginner To Master The Casino
Casinos seem to be popping up everywhere these days. They have an allure that brings in people from all ranges of social status.10 Rules Of Life
1. Respect is earned, not freely given. It’s a two-way street. In order to receive, you must give. It’s the golden rule, and this applies in many aspects of life. 2. You do not owe an abuser anything, especially your silence. Take it from someone who’s been there at least four times. It’s a scary ...When It Rains, It Pours, But You Need To Keep Walking
When it rains, it pours. It’s kind of funny– I mean this May, Phoenix had a whopping total of zero inches of rain, yet I still found myself drenched the entire month. It was quite disheartening because I was never prepared. I never seemed to have brought my raincoat and I never invested in a ...