Tag: Community
Moving Forward
“What I would give to have one more day of that year.” A friend recently shared a group photo from almost eight years ago, and a mutual friend commented this sentiment on it. The photo has over a dozen people in it. Most would agree that it was an incredible year, full of fantastic memories. ...Are Spirit Guides Real?
Are spirit guides real? This is a topic open to debate because a majority of the time one never sees their spirit guide. It’s like something one has to take on faith. In my personal experience, I know spirit guides are real. Mine made it a point to appear to me. Then, because I still ...Highway To Hell
No. This article isn’t about the song “Highway to Hell”. Fooled you hahaha. This Highway to Hell is also known as the former Highway 666 or, the more common nickname, The Devil’s Highway. It’s a 200-mile stretch of road that starts in Monticello, Utah and stretches to Gallup, New Mexico. It is said to be ...Kneeling During The Anthem
Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the National Anthem has created a lot of news frenzy in the media. It has also been a major source of debate among the public and within homes. I know I have debated this very subject myself with friends and family. The problem though, I realize, is that so much debate ...Enemy Mine
I think every guy has a best buddy. My husband’s was Wayne Roantes. We did not start off as friends, him and I. I think it would be safe to say, we hated each other’s guts. Him, because I stole his friend when Jim and I got married. Me, because he was arrogant, over-bearing and ...Are You Psychic?
“Are you Psychic?” I hated that question because I never knew how to answer it. When people think psychic, they are thinking of psychics like John Edwards, James Van Praagh, and Kim Russo who are famous psychic mediums. When people asked me if I’m psychic, they are waiting for me to respond that “yes, I ...- CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenCulture
Sisters Are Forever
I was born May 7, 1957. Goodness, that means I will be sixty-one this year. OUCH! How time flies by. On my 3rd birthday, May 7, 1960, my mother decided that I didn’t need toys for my birthday. Instead, she decided what I needed for my birthday present was … a baby sister. So, Tracy ... DNA Test Comparison
I have always been curious about my family history. We were the first Mormon converts in England during the mid-1800s. My ancestress was what was called a hand-cart Mormon, meaning once her husband had died she gathered up their twelve children and travelled from England to Missouri. All of their personal belongings fitting ...Getting Social On Social Media
It’s no secret that I love social media. I’m one of those super annoying people who tweets basically anything that comes to mind. In fact, I just reached 15,000 tweets last week. I follow over 1,500 people on Twitter, most of whom are celebrities, authors, and people I don’t know. While some people strive to ...A Necessary Change
I’ve been wracking my brain for a couple weeks on what to write. This is my first article on our new Coffee House Writers platform, and it will set the tone for all that is to come from me. Do I start with a fiction story? A poem? An amusing list? After participating in NaNoWriMo, ...