Tag: creative writing
Room To Grow
Lately I’ve been thinking about endings. I’m horrible at endings in all aspects of my life. I will wait to read the last hundred pages of a book because I don’t want to leave the characters. I took seven years to read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. The endings I have experienced have been ...- CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessLifestyle
Behind Books
She sat at her desk, Wondering if life was Worth living beyond the Contents of her mind, Because she found fantasy Kinder then the reality Beyond her bedroom door Where the shouts and hurt Filled the very air She breathed. Drowning in her loneliness, Her friends were the books On her shelves and the birds ... The Finish Line
About two-and-a-half years ago, she bought a treadmill. It was an impulse buy after two kids at the mall had made a rude comment she’d overheard. For six months, the thing sat in the den’s corner, collecting dust. It made a fine coat rack. A flurry of spring cleaning unburied it. A spark of something ...The End Of 2019: Looking Back On A Decade (Part 2)
Part 1 The end of 2019 signifies the end of 2019 as well as a decade yet looking back feels more like scrolling through last week’s Instagram. It feels like 2016- a hard year for a lot of folks- had just ended. It feels like nothing but a blink of an eye has passed since ...The End Of 2019: Looking Back On A Decade (Part 1)
On December 31st, at 12:01 am, the year of 2019 officially comes to a close. But this isn’t just another end of the year. It’s an end of a decade, from 2009 to 2019. With this post, I want to look back on what stood out to me from this decade. I want to explore ...It’s That Time Of Year Again!
Thanksgiving is over. You’ve survived the marathon cooking, inevitable turkey coma, overeating of pies, and Black Friday shopping. You’re now ready to face the season head-on with the confidence built from past years’ successes, and you’ve stockpiled tape and wrapping paper. You’ve dusted off your favorite holiday sweaters and have your playlists broken in. Thanksgiving ...Worth – A Short Story
I sit on my bed, shirtless and sweating and trying to ignore the pain that floods my legs. Grey smoke curls from my cigarette as I inhale its contents. It burns to ash and scorches my throat. The orange glow that pervades with each inward breath pierces the darkest folds of the night. I’m wide ...Writing Is Not An Island
I always believed that writing was a solitary effort before it went to the publisher, and then you had a whole team once they gave you a check. (I was 6 when I wrote my first story so I apologize for my ignorance.) I never let anyone read my writing outside of school for quite ...The Elf Who Cried Snow Beast
Santa’s elf, Corlie, secretively known as Callous Corlie by others, finished getting ready for work. She stared into the mirror, then swiped her brown hair behind a pointy ear. After blowing a kiss at her reflection in the mirror, she headed to the kitchen. Aromas of coffee permeated throughout the single-story bungalow. Corlie filled a ...Squad X
Somewhere within my head, my mind is screaming at me. It’s telling me to stop drinking, to stop trying to drown my sorrows in alcohol. It reminds me that there’s trash to take to the garbage bin, a mess of beer to clean. But somewhere within this house is the temptation to continue drinking. A six-pack ...