• Sweets Shop

    A sweets shop’s bells jingle as the young girl enters. The front counter has jars filled with bullseyes and boiled mints. The wall has candy bars and gum. The young girl looks outside the window. It is beginning to get dark outside, with only several rays of sunlight remaining. Several children run by outside, anxious ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    ***Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. *** Past Chapter Jacob followed behind the towering woman as she walked towards the twisted castle. Thankfully, the ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    ***Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. ***Past Chapters The boat came to a stop with a soft crunch. The sand on the dark sanded ...
  • 524

    To the hotel cleaner, I had gotten tired of staring at this blank screen. I’d started seeing little colorful squiggles under my eyes. I’ve got to stop rubbing my eyes. My eyes are burning now. I would sell my soul to write something steller. As a kid, I dreamed of writing a bestseller, but I’m ...
  • apple, hand, fruit

    The moon gazed across the horizon, watching them with its lone eye. Stars glittered the night sky, their light falling to the ocean as small waves rolled toward the beach. A sound like thunderous applause erupted when the water clashed with the sand, appreciative of the moment, ill-content with the silence between a boy and ...
  • https://images.pexels.com/photos/6299/holiday-coffee-holidays-christmas.jpg?w=1260&h=750&auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb

    Shattered glass. Broken mirror. Bloody fingertips. Fading red hair. Start eating. Stop eating. Not enough or way too much. Time is ticking,   My dark shadow, My demons. Like wild dogs, Foaming at the mouth. Their master,   The devil. My dark shadow, Holding them at bay. Broken promises, Are my doing. There’s a secret ...