The Importance of Creativity
Many of us were encouraged to have fun and explore our imaginations in our early years. We scribbled, finger-painted, and sculpted Play-Doh. Our imaginative ...Lessons in Censorship
One of the classes I took during undergrad was Censorship. The purpose of the seminar was to overcome the hesitation of writing about topics ...Embrace The Artist
The archenemy of any author is their own brain. It seems contradictory because that’s where ideas are born. That’s true, but writing is the ...Remember To Play
Imposter syndrome is real. A novel idea that won’t go away. Stories that stay in drawers won’t become the next literary phenomenon. Writing can ...A New Idea Emerges
New story ideas are one of the best moments in a writer’s life. It’s a new adventure to take, new lessons to learn, and ...Kindred spirit
Oh, dear mankind,those that dwellamong the createdearthly dwelling. Take heart andnever forgetthe struggles that brought you here. You survived theworst amongmany turmoiland tribulations. Gods ...