The Journey
I stand here with the hands of my mother and grandmother resting firmly on my shoulders – for they are my guide Strong, ...- StyleEntertainmentLifestyleCreativityRomanceFamilyFantasyRelationshipsFictionEnvironmentPoetryHealthMemoriesTravelHomeCulture
Experiencing Siesta Key-Japanese Style
Powdery white sand shimmers its quartz in sunlight stars twinkle on ground Singing cardinal joins the drumming woodpecker branches take a bow ... Cosplay Keeps The Stress Away
I have always worried about my sense of imagination fading along with my youth. Luckily, I have found a fun outlet that satisfies my ...Ditch The Resolutions
I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. While their intention is good, they don’t usually end up in a good spot but rather as ...Luna Lovegood
In the middle of the room, the only space with bigger than a foot of space to walk, Luna was on top of an ...My Cherry Chocolate Kisses
Cherry Chocolate kisses that leave you longing for more, as I slowly move away allowing my eyes to drift from your lips to your eyesGlimpse Of You
A swift glimpse ofyour exquisite facemakes myheart race Eyes placed slightlyon your splendorand I calmlydrink you in Your smileallows my heartto beat with vigor ...Writers Say…
When spoken wordsBecome your demiseKnowingly express yourselfBy reducing the level ofConfusion withOpen communicationAllow confusionTo becomeConversationWhich guides you toConservationOf thoughts, feelings and emotionsThe process that ...