Tag: disability
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Content Warning: contains references to assault, drug use, death of a parent, and child abuse. When we spotted her, she sat in the corner. A tiny child holding a doll, she picked its poofed hair with the ferocity of potential future trichotillomania. Her skin’s patches of white and darker tan contrasted with the doll’s color ... - LifestyleEnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsScience & Technology
Online Dating And Learning To Embrace Differences
In February I often think about dating and relationships. Dating can often be a challenge — specifically online dating — but dating when you have a disability can be much more difficult. I can only speak from my experience, but quite honestly, I do not really know where exactly to begin. We all have our ... Accepting Means Respecting
“There is more inclusion everywhere now. People aren’t less awkward about it. You must be happy.” “It is great. I don’t want to feel accepted though. I want to feel respected.” Can you relate to this? Do you ever feel you haven’t received full social acceptance? Since January 20th is International Day of Acceptance, I want ...Level Completed
Although many things have changed over the past decade, one thing has always remained the same, and that is my perseverance to keep rolling despite the challenges. I always thought of my life as a game. For instance, learning to communicate on my own was Level 2 and learning to survive the dating scene was ...Count Your Blessings
Last week around this time, I was making a gratitude list. No, not a wish list, although I spent two hours clicking “Add to Wish List” after I finished it. It was more of a ‘complaint vs. blessing’ type of list. Complaint: I never have enough time to accomplish every single task. I take on ...One Way or Another
We were safe for the time being, but it was no time to let our guard down. Levi peeked through the bushes, trying his best not to make a sound. He looked both ways down the street. All we could see was the crossing guard, Mrs. Hankins, letting children pass. “All good,” he whispered. “Come ...Another Way
Mom kept pacing the living room, back and forth, not saying a word. It would have been easier if she just had just come out and told us how disappointed she was, announced our punishments, and sent us to our rooms. She wanted us to apologize, to explain. Finally, I could not stand the silence ...Don’t Be Like Will
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is one of my favorite books, even though I hate how it ends. The novel focuses on the topic of suicide, and is about an adventurous, rich man named Will Traynor who ends up becoming a quadriplegic after a motorcycle accident. He struggles with accepting the challenges of being ...The Power Of Coloring
Nothing feels more like a roller coaster than facing adulthood with the limitations of being disabled. I have been so stressed about every single thing lately. Small tasks always end up being bigger tasks. I never have enough money. I have to rely on others for most things. I honestly don’t feel useful in the ...Porn Star Status
“For her next trick…” In many moments of my life, I have felt like people have viewed my disability as a performance act that fulfills their inspiration fix. “Oh, wow. You’re amazing!” “God bless you! you’re such a determined girl…” “No way! You’re a college graduate?” “Married? How incredible!” I’m not saying that receiving praise ...