• image of path in a forest

    The roar of the school busand excitement of Pep rallies, Friday night footballin the chilly night air  nips at naked necks and fingertipsas Autumn whispers Promises ofKaleidoscope leaves which Dance and fallA carpet of fall colors reds, yellows, and brownsCrunching under feet Autumn delightsWith hopes of Pumpkin patchesFall festivities And haunted housesCostumes and trick-or-treat Autumn ...
  • F

    Fall is the season for change. Everyone knows that, and the metaphor is a tad overused. However, the leaves change, and the earth gets prepared to be covered in snow. School starts in late summer, early fall. You get the opportunity to start fresh and learn new things.  Fall for me since I graduated college ...
  • orange maple leaf

    School may be starting, but in my neck of the woods, the weather can still be hot and humid. The air hangs heavy with moisture making the ridges surround my house hazy. I sigh. This weather was fun for a while, but now that we are getting back to some semblance of routine, I am ...