• Nevada's Pyramid Lake

    It has been an exciting journey researching monsters from across the United States. This week’s monster, though, isn’t a cryptid; it is a lake. You read correctly. The monster lake is Pyramid Lake, an enclosed lake 15 miles long and 11 miles wide. Its maximum depth is 350 feet deep, and the lake’s haunted. The ...
  • angelic

    “Of course. This shit would happen to me,” Emilee murmured as she searched through the sand by the burnt debris. “I just wanted a simple life, but here I am.” She found nothing but seashells and a broken beach shovel. Her patience was disappearing faster than daylight. “I don’t even know what color the journal ...
  • evil

    “Ah, do you just love the sound of bones crushing?” “I was finally enjoying this town,” Mr. Irwin fussed as he dug his hand saw into Sally’s right leg. “Why do you have to keep ruining my life?!” “Don’t blame me,” the voice screamed. “You have chosen this path before I ever came along! You ...
  • 2104

    Read part one here! The smell of bacon and freshly brewed coffee called me from my slumber. I carefully made my way downstairs; every muscle in my body hurt. “How are you feeling?” my mom said as she kissed me on the head like she used to when I was home from school, sick. I ...
  • https://images.pexels.com/photos/1927264/pexels-photo-1927264.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=650&w=940

    I tend to keep family matters out of my writing, but last week my grandfather passed away. My dad was heartbroken. He was heartbroken to the point where it made him question his faith. My father was raised in a strict Catholic household. It was so important to him when I was born, he brought ...