• black cat in a fall background

    My name is Shanequia, and I have a story to tell you. You won’t believe me, but I swear on a stack of bibles that every word is true. The day started with cool, crisp temps like any other fall day. Leaves were bursting in maroon, orange, and saffron. Not a cloud in the azure ...
  • haunted mansion

    Halloween is fast approaching, and I am anticipating enjoying all that comes with it. Cool, crisp days. Leaves splashed with orange, red, and yellow colors—bonfires, pumpkins, roasting marshmallows, and Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes. Okay, maybe not the burst of color in leaves as I live in the desert. I will enjoy the cooler temps and ...
  • 559

    To the hotel cleaner, I had gotten tired of staring at this blank screen. I’d started seeing little colorful squiggles under my eyes. I’ve got to stop rubbing my eyes. My eyes are burning now. I would sell my soul to write something steller. As a kid, I dreamed of writing a bestseller, but I’m ...