• Three clear beakers placed on table top

    The room was dark as Jessica opened the laboratory door. The sound of heavy breathing made the darkened room eerie. Just as Jessica stepped into the room, the laboratory lights turned on and made the eerie breathing turned into a howling noise. In the middle of the white laboratory, there was a man bounded into ...
  • person screaming

    Read previous chapters of Infected here. Hadera crept slowly down her office’s semi-darkened hallway. She started to hear eerie noises coming from the nearby office rooms. Hadera was shaking as she tried to steady her breathing. Something felt wrong as she tried to make her way down to the main lab. Hadera hadn’t seen a ...
  • Ocean

    I’ve been stuck in this void, A deep void that sends me into madness, I’ve been kept silent, Silent like the deep night sky, I’ve been afraid all my life, Afraid that I might do something wrong, I’ve been stuck my whole life…
  • person screaming

    Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4   Chapter 5 She hurriedly grabbed her keys as she ran out of her apartment door. Her high heels clicked the pavement as she omitted to use refrained from using the elevator and ran down the narrow steps from her apartment. She’d overslept yet again due to ...
  • person screaming

    “Hadera, you okay?” A stocky man asked one of his longtime colleagues. Hadera jolted from her spot at her workstation as she looked up at the gentleman that startled her. “Oh um…yea, I’m fine. Just…I’m just really tired,” Hadera lied as she tried to adjust herself in her seat. Truth be told, she wasn’t feeling ...
  • Starlight

    The starlight dances, In the whispering woods, They slow dance through the night.