Tag: Journal
Your Redemption Arc is Coming
CW: Therapy, depression, Do you know the point in every romantic comedy when the main character hits rock bottom? They sit in sweatpants, wallowing in their sadness, eating junk food as they cry. For the past few years, I have been a few inches from rock bottom. I started counseling last year to develop better ...One Curveball at a Time
Have you ever started a sentence and wanted to immediately jump off of a cliff? That’s the story of my life today. There could be many reasons for this occurrence. You could be stressed and tired. Life can be stressful and can change at any moment. My sister had a baby, and my uncle passed ...Dream Fuel
Everyone has a week where things didn’t exactly go as planned. This can be extremely frustrating for any number of reasons. Last week, I planned to finish a book that I was given to beta read, and I couldn’t touch it at all because I was so tired. This week I’m making good progress, and ...Forward , Not Back
Have you ever felt yourself emotionally go backwards? Lately, it seems like everything I have been trying to achieve has been put on pause. This being said I am actively working not to slip into my old version of survival mode. The new strategy is to not let myself say, “I’ll do it later.” Later ...- Home & GardenHealth & WellnessLifestyleNonfictionCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironment
Enjoy the Rain
Content Warning: Depression, hopelessness This year I’ve decided to focus on getting back to some version of my most independent self. I started physical therapy again. Plus, I scheduled an appointment to get evaluated for a new electric wheelchair. The bathroom is being renovated to make it more accessible. I’m also waiting for a call ... Emotion Police
What do you do when you have nothing to say? The simple answer is, of course, don’t say anything. I have this issue where I want to cause the least amount of stress for everyone around me. The problem is I can’t do a lot of physical things, so I try to help out wherever ...Hello Old Friend
I have always read books. The only time I remembered not enjoying reading was when I first learned how to read. I would memorize books that I had to read in the first grade so my teacher wouldn’t realize I was behind. The next thing I knew I was reading the abridged versions of classics ...Adulthood: Childhood In Disguise
We spend the majority of our formative years waiting to grow up. Then we grow up enough to be able to do everything we wanted to do as children and all we want to do is go back to having naptime after lunch. I recently turned 30 a few weeks ago, and I have been ...Hallmark’s Surprise Substance
I have a horrible confession to make. I watch Hallmark movies when I need to have noise in the background. I know I could just put in headphones and listen to music, but when I’m home alone I try not to have headphones in my ears so no one can surprise me. I know the ...- NonfictionCultureSelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessLifestyle
Hello 2021, Welcome To My 30s
This week started a new year. I think everyone is ready for this particular cycle around the sun to be over. The thing is that this is our new normal for a little while longer at least. The only thing we can do right now is to make the best of a bad situation. This ...