Tag: Kids
Roar With Resilience
I have the privilege of being both a pediatric nurse and a mom. With 11 years of hospital bedside experience in the pediatric intensive unit, I encounter a range of patients and families. Each meeting is unique and special in its own way. Something new I learn every shift, is how to foster resilience in ...Walk With Purpose
Little humans are almost like pets. They get antsy when I coop them up too long under a roof. Moreso when visiting the grandparents’ house for the holidays because it is a new environment, they don’t have their comfort toys, and routine is thrown out the window during holiday vacations. I must take them on ...Following Through Is the Way
Humans communicate using words, actions, body language, tone, inflection, and volume. Small people may not be receptive to all these nuances. To them, spoken word is the gold standard. They are unable to appreciate sarcasm, puns, and figures of speech. What we articulate to children is what they believe. Cross Signals Youngsters receive conflicting messages ...Judgment Free Germs
Flying with little humans can be challenging. Delays, waits, lines, quiet voices, and nowhere to go, makes my patience grow wary. Traveling adults experience anxiety and tension with getting to the airline on time, progressing through security, and keeping track of baggage. Add bothersome kids to that mix and it is chaos. Being a military ...Mouth Shouts, Body Screams
When does a grown-up learn to express themselves in a manner acceptable to society? Imagine me, a 33-year-old, enters a coffee shop, and screams, “I WANT COFFEE.” I continue to shout, “I WANT COFFEE” for 15 minutes. Fellow coffee drinkers scoot further away from me, in case I am mentally insane. Others stare, mouth agape, ...No Fun Nurse: Never Ever Jump on a Trampoline
If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you might have spent a lot of time jumping on a trampoline. With no net. Or spring covers. You probably launched your little brother as high into the air as you could, and your dad might have done the same to you. Chicken Little Reasoning We ...5 Tips for Juggling Small Children When Leaving Home
Now that you have two, your time to get out of the house doubles! It’s frustrating! You have double to do and less time to do it in—particularly if you are breastfeeding. So here are some tips to get the process from 1 hr. + down to 30 mins! Most moms would agree that going ...