• Pitbull Dog for Pill Dog

    *Content Warning* This story contains themes of kidnapping, drug abuse, animal cruelty, and physical and verbal abuse. Read with caution if such themes may be upsetting. *** Shelby slowly walks down the corridor into the living room, where she sits in a round wicker chair. She looks down at her feet and clasps her hands ...
  • woman biting pencil at desk

    Obtaining a new job is no easy fleet. Especially if it’s a position that’s out of your normal realm of expertise.  It’s hard work. You perfect your application, cover letter, and resume. These items shine brighter than an engagement ring. You aced the interview, you rocked the thank you letters, and now the position is ...
  • 1576

    Read Part 1 here. July 14 It’s the Big Day!! My husband is off, so we get up early and grab a bite to eat. I pick out a gold top and put a little makeup on. I like the natural look, especially for something important like this. Just a bit of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, ...
  • https://images.pexels.com/photos/247120/pexels-photo-247120.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=650&w=940

    Emily walked down the tree-lined streets, her white, patent leather high heels click-clacking against every red cobblestone. Her hair sparkled lovely, strawberry blonde as the sunshine picked through the looming trees. The smell of freshly-brewed coffee wafted through the air. Emily struggled to get up the outside steps of the large gray home with the black ...
  • 1305

    The sky outside was gray and it was difficult to see without high beams, despite it only being 10 in the morning. My mom opened the car door for me. She motioned for me to get out. I reluctantly shifted my body around, accidentally slamming my brand-new leather combat boots right into a mud puddle. ...