Tag: opinion piece
Build Up or Break Down
Imagine a nine-month-old experimenting with his legs for the first time. His knees are wobbly like a newborn fawn. Splat. He lands on his booty; thank goodness he has all that padding from the diaper. Laughter ensues. “Great job!” shouts Grandma with excitement. “You’re almost there,” Grandpa says with encouragement. This depiction is a typical ...Please Don’t Hug Me
Physical touch has never been my love language. I have not been a hugger, kisser, or cuddler. This sentiment did not change even after I became a mom. My oldest was born six years ago. Even when I met my firstborn, what I’ve heard described as the moment that makes all the pain, hardship, waiting, ...Roar With Resilience
I have the privilege of being both a pediatric nurse and a mom. With 11 years of hospital bedside experience in the pediatric intensive unit, I encounter a range of patients and families. Each meeting is unique and special in its own way. Something new I learn every shift, is how to foster resilience in ...A Path to Solid Ground
There was a period in my life where every step felt like my last. Ruminations spiraled through my brain like an unending race against time. My legs felt like jelly and shook under me through the most mundane of tasks. I was a prisoner to the “what ifs?” that swirled around like caution signs on ...Walk With Purpose
Little humans are almost like pets. They get antsy when I coop them up too long under a roof. Moreso when visiting the grandparents’ house for the holidays because it is a new environment, they don’t have their comfort toys, and routine is thrown out the window during holiday vacations. I must take them on ...Choice and Control
Little ones seek independence. This desire is met with making decisions for themselves. Allowing children to choose instills a sense of control over their life and body. This is important inside the home as well as inside the hospital. The key is to determine what their choices can be. Choices at home At home, asking ...Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Earlier
Sometimes you avoid accepting the bitter truths of life. However, there comes a day or moment when you remember a piece of advice or lesson someone had shared with you. At that moment, you realize it was true. Out of all the self-help books I’ve read, the advice I got from loved ones, and lessons ...Sleep To Heal
Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye sounds impossible. Bodies need rest and an opportunity to reset. In the hospital, it is paramount to recovery. Hindrances Hospitals hinder relaxation due to functioning as a 24-hour workforce. Patients are ...Following Through Is the Way
Humans communicate using words, actions, body language, tone, inflection, and volume. Small people may not be receptive to all these nuances. To them, spoken word is the gold standard. They are unable to appreciate sarcasm, puns, and figures of speech. What we articulate to children is what they believe. Cross Signals Youngsters receive conflicting messages ...Three Hour Tylenol
Why does it feel like it takes forever and a day to acquire pain relief while in the hospital? I have knowledge of bedside nursing in the ICU and the ER. Patients suffer from aches in each specialty area. The period between asking for alleviation and receiving oral or intravenous prescriptions varies depending on protocols, ...