• Victorian Christmas time with children enjoying the visitors

    Christmas’ frosty breathBringing more than wrapped presentsNo ribbons or bows –this kind of Joy can’t be bought Reflects in babes’ eyeThe magic of ChristmastimeFriends and families –Merry time of reunions making memories-Spreading cheer and goodwillHelping those in need-the spirit of Santa lives Warmth shared, winter thawsWith Gifts of love, hearts unwrapSpirits are lifted –The Miracle ...
  • magnifying glass over the word facts

    I was given some harsh advice by my therapist last week. She said, “That’s life. It’s time to grow up.” I was hurt at first, and then the more I thought about it, It dawned on me that she was right. I have always cried about everything. Tears come when I’m sad, when I’m happy, ...
  • My Family

    I cry like a newborn babyI have the naive curiosity of a childOver the years I have learnt to listenAnd the wisdom gainedLives onInside my seventy-year-old mind I would like to thinkI am honest and kind like my dadAnd his calm gentle guidanceLives onInside my seventy-year-old mind I Know I have inherited the strengthsOf resilience ...
  • 1103

    I hate writer’s block. I know some people don’t believe it exists. My writer’s block this week is a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of physical stress. I know the simple solution would be to drink some coffee, I’m trying to wean myself off of ...
  • 927

    “Do more of what lights your soul on fire.” That is the intriguing quote on the cover of my new journal. It is the reason I was drawn to it. The verb do suggests action, enthusiasm, movement. This is not talking about binge-watching your favorite show or YouTubers, or spending hours on social media debating ...
  • 1116

    We can’t control how COVID-19 will act, but we can control how we react.  Our behavior during the coronavirus crisis matters.  How we deal with each other and our social circles is just as important as how we deal with the virus. Behavior matters. There is a story out there in cyberland about how one ...
  • Find peace in the midst of chaos. A Haiku.

    Words and actions pass Like a blur.  Your hate speaks loud. Stillness nurtures, peace.
  • The Spirit of Kindness

    H. A. L. T=Heartbreak.Aggravation. Lies. Temptations. These are weak unguarded emotions where Satan quickly invades the mind to interrupt our faith. Before you act, HALT! What did Jesus mean in John 16:33when He said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good ...
  • Hope

    Do ordinary routines brighten your day, or do you schlep a lead-weight dread spirit everywhere you go? Allow me to help you learn how to shed the dread and live lighter, happier lives from this day forward. I offer you this truth found in Isaiah 55:10-11 of the King James Bible.  “For as the rain ...
  • Life after Death is real!

    Unlike Satan, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Satan’s deceptions satisfy our flesh. His tricks grab our thoughts and cause rebellion against God. Remember Eve? Satan words planted new thoughts into her heart. Eve internalized Satan’s words. Her altered mind challenged God’s command, and Eve acted according to Satan’s scheme. “She took ...