Tag: Personal Development
Please Don’t Hug Me
Physical touch has never been my love language. I have not been a hugger, kisser, or cuddler. This sentiment did not change even after I became a mom. My oldest was born six years ago. Even when I met my firstborn, what I’ve heard described as the moment that makes all the pain, hardship, waiting, ...Your Key to Success is Your Golden Hour
Not all hours in the day are equal—your focus and momentum rise and fall. However, if you find the sweet spot where your brain is at its best, you’ll do more in less time. It’s important to understand your energy cycles for optimum productivity. If you learn this, you can leverage one of the prominent ...How Language Learning Improves Your Well-Being
Over the past six years, I have studied Turkish. As time passed, I became busier and left it behind. I recently got back into it. Learning a language and maintaining it is difficult, but it’s rewarding and beneficial in many ways. With both personal and professional advantages, being fluent in languages other than your own ...Intentional Joy
Pixar movies should come with warning labels before seeing them. It could read, “Will experience intense emotions and thoughts. BEWARE.” Once again, the franchise hit it out of the park with “Inside Out 2.” Like everyone else, I saw the critically exclaimed movie, and it got me thinking. The storyline created a dialogue for conversations ...The Author of My Dreams
The past few months have been an intense period of self-reflection. World events force people to have an opinion on something that takes the brain a while to fully understand. It makes one question their values. Personally, I am left with a few realizations about my career and the type of author I want to ...Puzzle Pieces
Someday, all my puzzle pieces will fall into place. Until then, here's a poem!On Being a Step-Parent
I have a tough job. Many say it’s the most difficult job out there. It’s demanding. It’s time-consuming. It’s thankless. And I don’t mean my career. I’m a parent. Well, I’m a step-parent. They say parenting is the most difficult job there is, but I would add that step-parenting is just as, if not more, difficult. ...