• The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    The Livyatan, according to Sophie, is an extinct whale that lived nine million years ago. It is said to have been similar in size to the modern-day sperm whale, was considered one of the top predators of that time, and even shared the same waters as the megalodon shark. That was hard to imagine, however. ...
  • A star-shaped space station with a spherical hub at the center floats in a pastel nebula

    The hard blow fell across her back from behind. “Get fucked by a Beluvian tocar!” Luna swore at the offender. Her electric orange outposter splashed down her shirt and onto the data pad she was reading. She turned to locate the dead grinter who’d doused her in her favorite beverage, only to find a trembling waitress backing away from ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “Is that what I think it is?” I lean forward in my chair, squinting at the computer screen. A sharp object protrudes from a piece of the Griffin’s jagged hull, forming a slim V as it tapers into steel. Its stony appearance is a stark contrast to the corroded metal beneath. The ROV zooms in ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “Is this everything?” Xander sorts through the different memory banks set out on the computer lab’s table. Nathan nods, popping a disk into his laptop. “I even double-checked the ROVs.” “Good.” Xander settles into his chair. I dump a bunch of snacks on a neighboring desk and pluck a Fruit-by-the-Foot and a bag of Skittles ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “What do you mean, we’re in the past?” Xander’s brows form a deep V between his ice-blue eyes as he stares at the CELNAV crewmember. “I mean, we’ve traveled back in time.” The crewmember squints at the constellation maps on the computer in front of him. “Early fifteen hundreds, I’d say.” “You’re kidding.” Xander barks ...
  • A planet banded by swirling blue and white clouds is encircled by a vast ring system and orbited by a small, golden moon

    Of course, it produced no change in temperature, but when the dust from the ring system pelted Ularma’s Orbital Station, it sounded like a massive thunderstorm and made Corry long to curl up in a warm blanket. The sand formed tiny rivulets on the domed window that comprised the ceiling and upper wall, working in ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “I don’t think I’ll ever get that image out of my head.” I sit in the Hangar control room with a blanket wrapped tightly around my shoulders. The only warmth I feel comes from a steaming cup of tea cradled between my palms on the desk in front of me. Sophie cries softly beside me. ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “I’m telling you, we’ve been up and down this section three times. There’s nothing down here but coral and fish,” a frustrated voice explains over the speaker in the Hangar’s command center. Xander huffs out a breath, throwing his hands in the air. “Well, it must be somewhere. Shipwrecks don’t just disappear.” I put a ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “Emily!” Sophie screams in the dark. I scramble off the floor as vertigo races through me, feeling my way back onto the couch. “I’m here.” Holding her shaking form, the world stops spinning. She sniffles. “What is going on?” “I have no idea.” I gulp around a wave of nausea. The whir of an engine ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

    “It can’t be,” Sophie whispers for the seventh time, eyes glued to the computer screen on the desk in front of us. “Y’all are seeing this, right?” Nathan runs a hand down his face. “It’s not just me?” Xander blows out a breath, his broad shoulders connecting with the back of his chair with an ...