Tag: Self Love
It comes with a numbness that is hard to understandTriggered by anger that has morphed into hateThe rapid flow of emotions now difficult to escape The feeling of finalization has now seeped inShowing in multiple ways asThings and people shift around me Feeling trapped in a world of inconsistent promisesThat bleeds inconsideration into my spacesFilled ...Void
Void – to be withoutThe lack thereofNot validNothing of value Constant reminders thatYour hair should be bone straightVoid of its waves, kinks and curls You are fooled into thinkingThat your body should be leanWith your collar bones protruding That your curves are too lewd, nasty or sexyYour breasts are taunting, tantalizingly or crudeYour lips too ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsEntertainmentHealth & WellnessLifestyleRomanceCultureMediaParenting & Family
Let’s Talk About Sex
Content Warning: Contains themes of a sexual nature. This year is about making peace with who I am and who I want to be. My 30s have been about educating myself about things that would horrify my mother. I’m learning more about sex and decided I didn’t want any surprises on my wedding night. I ... Dear Self
Self, My first clear memory is of violence. I said something that warranted having my mouth washed out with soap. Of course, nobody wants soap in their mouth, so I cried, screamed, and fought my mother. I was slapped, pinned down, and yelled at. I do not remember how, but I got out of her ...Tired Talks
I hate writer’s block. I know some people don’t believe it exists. My writer’s block this week is a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of physical stress. I know the simple solution would be to drink some coffee, I’m trying to wean myself off of ...Will You Accept This Submission?
I’m the type of person who hates failing. The idea of getting behind, or not turning in good quality work makes me anxious. I’ve always prided myself on being able to check in with myself. There have always been certain aspects of my personality I knew without a doubt. My “talent” as a writer is ...- Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentEntertainmentLifestyleNonfictionCultureRomanceCreativity
Love In Quarantine
I have been thinking a lot about the fact that a lot of people hate Valentine’s Day. I know being single on Valentine’s Day can seem lonely. I’ve always thought about it as another day to treat the people that I love. I also think it’s a good excuse to watch my favorite romantic comedies. ... The Mind
My mind feels like a puzzle Made from pieces I’ve found along the way Not a complete set And with no picture to speak of. Sitting here with a rattled mind Wondering what I should do Doing everything in my power To distract myself from what I’m supposed to do I always wonder why I ...