Tag: social distancing
Traditions Aren’t Only For Holidays
This week as I prepare for the Christmas holiday I have been reflecting on the fact that traditions don’t just extend to holidays. The only difference is the words that are used. A tradition is just a habit that happens at a specific time of year. I have written about how my life hasn’t physically ...- EnvironmentEntertainmentCurrent Affairs & PoliticsDesign, Fashion & StyleMediaParenting & FamilyMemoir & Autobiographies
It’s The Memories, Not The Method
The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time where you have a warm drink of your choice. You are looking forward to seeing your family that you only see on Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year will be a little different. We may not be allowed to be physically together for the holidays, but I ... - Current Affairs & PoliticsCultureLifestyleEnvironmentHealth & WellnessParenting & FamilyHome & GardenTravel
COVID-19—Protect Yourself
COVID-19 has changed our world in scary ways. But no one can protect you better than yourself, and knowledge is the best way to do that. Here are the current facts and recommendations that will help keep you safe. CURRENT STATE OF THE WORLD At the end of May, the world moved toward business as ... Face Masks: Freedom Vs. Responsibility
COVID-19 has changed the world in ways that our generation has never experienced. In the United States, wearing masks and social distancing is an uncomfortable change. Unfortunately, most changes require decisions that can bring out the worst in people. America has always had to make choices between freedom and responsibility. Our country stands for freedom. ...8 Reasons Why Distance Learning During COVID-19 Isn’t The Same As Traditional Homeschooling
After over a month and a half in social distance, parents with children are neck-deep in online distance learning. There is a sense of community as we share frustration over a slow internet connection, difficult platforms, restless students, and numberless interruptions to our daily routine. Another thing we shared was the experience. Pictures of children ...Insight From The Essential Workers of Coronavirus (NJ)
Coronavirus has been affecting everyone around the world differently. I believe that our emotions and thoughts of the virus differ based on the roles we currently hold in society. “Essential workers” are those who have been working on the frontlines, exposed to society and the virus, who are risking their health, the health of their ...It’s Okay To Stop
One byproduct of the coronavirus is the compulsion to achieve great feats of home improvement. Every day on social media there is a plethora of posts with before and after pictures of a newly organized closet, cleaned kitchen, remodeled bathroom, or redecorated living room. There are endless posts with titles claiming “X Projects You Should ...