• Sheer rocky cliff faces rise up and pierce the night sky. Overhead, a bright band of stars splits the sky.

    Peris stood on the brink of the cliff and reached out with her mind while she held her lightstick over the chasm. Stray orange pebbles skittered into the murky schism below while she pitched her body in defiance of gravity. Night had already fallen, but she pictured the twin suns, fierce and blazing in the bright green of midday. Then she imagined the sky ...
  • A red-headed woman with amber eyes and scratches on her face. she is the goddess Lilith and is wearing a tight fitting outfit.

    The man in the white coat approached Andrew. “I’m Dr. Ben Matthews. Unfortunately, the prognosis isn’t favorable, but we are trying to figure it out.” Andrew shot out of his chair. Trevor followed suit, his heart raced. Oh God. First Allan, now Richard’s going to die. “What do you mean, the prognosis isn’t good? What’s ...
  • A red-headed woman with amber eyes and scratches on her face. she is the goddess Lilith and is wearing a tight fitting outfit.

    A crowd of hopeful Arizona State University students gathered around the bulletin board outside Dr. Isis Nassar’s lecture hall. She posted the semester’s final scores. There was a cluster of students who anxiously waited to scan for their grades. Hopefuls who wanted their scores to be high enough to get selected for the internship slots. ...
  • An arm of the Milky Way stretches across a field of stars, creating cloudy stripes of purple

    With a sputter, the converted bus springs to life. Grinning, Kalie guides it to the glittering starway leading up along the horizon’s green twilight and into the thickening darkness above. She points it straight at the glowing, round moon still sitting low and red in the sky. Kalie can only see the outline of the ...
  • scene of ocean sunset and tree in mirror reflection

    Pangea gripped the cold metal of the polished mirror and slumped in her green chair. Tears tumbled down her face. Her eyes were the color of storm-tossed seas because of the images that flashed across the cold, clear glass every time she looked at it. The pollution of a packaged society sickened her. Pangea’s veins ...
  • Halloween Picture

    The house vibrates with laughter, rocking the walls. Mom looks like she is about to lose it, so I place my hand over hers to calm her. I’ve been researching on Google, trying to learn what we’re facing. The last thing we need is for her to add to its power again. What I gleaned ...
  • woman

    Queen Bevers - The witch from Victoria, Missouri. A beautiful woman was blamed for every horrible thing that happened in the town.