Tag: storm
The Storm
“We will go to our own Nathan Oswalin for our next story. He had the chance to interview a world-renowned graffiti artist,” Janet said with a professional smile. She could hear Nathan in her earpiece as the story cut to him and the graffiti artist. A moment later, the director motioned to cut. She quickly ...Soaring To Her Destiny
Don’t you walk away from me, Amber. You going to stop me, Father Jon? This is your destiny you’re trying to escape. White feathered wings flapped gently against the crystal blue sky, the breeze waving through her blonde ponytail. Freedom flowing through the fabric of her plain, light blue dress. His voice vanishes from her ...The Thinnest Edge
Both of them stand at a precipice. Neither of them dares to speak for fear of saying the wrong thing- or perhaps the right thing. He stands with arms outstretched, magic crackling up and down their tanned skin. At his fingertips, the magic is lightning. She doesn’t move because if she does, he’ll react. Instead, ...- EnvironmentCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
History Repeating: A Poem
I find my lungs won’t cooperate denying tears of their oxygen for I feel the darkness of the storm A storm, I myself, almost didn’t survive still trying to rebuild, yet the air’s electric with negative intent I know what dark road lies ahead and the nasty storms a-brewing, metallic taste Though ...