Tag: writing
Forward , Not Back
Have you ever felt yourself emotionally go backwards? Lately, it seems like everything I have been trying to achieve has been put on pause. This being said I am actively working not to slip into my old version of survival mode. The new strategy is to not let myself say, “I’ll do it later.” Later ...Combating Perfection
One of the funniest aspects of my writing is I am a perfectionist. The ideal scenario is that a scene will pop into my head, and I can write it down and fix a few grammar errors. Usually, I have a few plot points to piece together, or I have to discover everything that happens ...- Science & TechnologyCultureDesign, Fashion & StyleEntertainmentMediaCreativityLifestyleHome & GardenNonfictionBusiness
Writing Marketing Blogs Your Clients Will Actually Read
You are looking to create a blog or you already have one established. Congrats! By this point, you have your ideas, and if you already have a blog, possibly a few followers. Great! Now the real question is, how are you going to get your clients to actually read it? In the blogging world, the ... Readjusting Your Focus
Trigger warning: Therapy, depression, loss I have zero focus most of the time. The best way to get me to do something is to pay me or be my friend. Once I get started I will finish something. It may take me a while, but I will finish it. This week I have an assignment ...Tomorrow Isn’t Promised
This month has been full of endings. This Is Us ended last Tuesday. I finished the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J.Maas. Both endings were brilliant and suited the mood. I will miss them, but maybe in 5 years, I can enjoy them again. I’m excited to see what impact these two different forms ...Precious Moments Last, but a Moment
A moment that ‘is’ may soon turn to a moment that ‘was.’ Warbler’s singing a tune. Listen ‘now,’ as she may sing a different song or not…next moment. The Sun rays ‘re piercing through space between railings. Natural light’s causing a geometrical design of shadows on the deck. See ‘now,’ as new shapes may ...- Memoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureLifestyleHistoryRomanceCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetry
Those were the days when neighbors took pride in knowing each other by first and last names Kids, pets included. O, those were the days… Those were the days when neighbors exchanged tomatoes, potatoes, and onions Milk included. O, those were the days… Those were the days when neighbors drove their cars, trucks, and trolleys ... - Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyleRomanceCreativity
A Dinner Crisis
Trina attends an awkward dinner with her secret ex and his family that ends in a crisis for him and an epiphany for her. Eulogistic Ballad—By a Butterfly
We were young, still in our cocoons when we first met. Flora morphed into a beautiful butterfly, sooner than me. Her wings—the colors of fire, lit the sky. Her flutter stirred many, to reach and pocket her. But free minded, she held her own, unwilling to be caught. With a grand vision to travel ...Coming up for Air
The past few months have felt like I was just surviving. The awkward part about it is that nothing traumatic has happened. Everything that happened resulted from my poor decisions. My ankle scraped against my manual chair, and I didn’t say anything until it was painful. My chair only existed because I kept rescheduling my ...