The Mind

My mind feels like a puzzle
Made from pieces I’ve found along the way
Not a complete set
And with no picture to speak of.
Sitting here with a rattled mind
Wondering what I should do
Doing everything in my power
To distract myself from what I’m supposed to do
I always wonder why
I set myself up for failure
Wondering if I can do better
I’d close my eyes
But I’m afraid
Of what appears in my mind
A strong imagination
Is a blessing
A strong imagination
Is a curse
To warp reality to tell a tale
That’s easier for me to believe
Is a superpower but one
That comes with great responsibility
On one hand, I change fear to excitement
On one hand, I change joy to ecstasy
On one hand, I can set myself to panic
On another, pain turns to tormented suffering
My mind is magic
It’s powerful
So, I have to make sure
I have the right pieces
So, I don’t piece together
A version of myself
I never wish to see.