Things That Go Bump In The Night

I love things that go bump in the night. I love horror movies and I love horror stories as well. I grew up reading Steven King and Dean Koontz. The ironic thing is that as much as I love the paranormal, I spent a good portion of my childhood hidden under the covers. I got visited by spirits so often that I would walk into my sisters bedroom and pick her up then carry her back to my bed so I wouldn’t be alone. That lasted only until she saw the lady in white in the TV and then she wouldn’t come back in my room again.
I think it’s the fact there is no warning when the spirits come a calling that makes me nervous. Yet, that’s the very thing that makes them spirits. It takes energy for spirits to physically manifest, so it takes a lot of energy for them to appear, and they can’t always give advance warning. Logically, I understand that, but emotionally – I’m sorry – it’s still nerve wracking when they just show up as my youngest son found out.
James worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and his job was to go to these empty houses and take pictures of the condition of these homes. This one morning he stated he opened the garage door and was hit with such hostility that he was tempted to close the door and leave, but his work ethic forced him to walk in to the garage and started taking pictures. James stated that he was followed around the basement making him nervous until he finally just said out loud “All I’m doing is taking pictures – that’s it” After he said that, then the hostility faded away and it was comfortable to work again. Later on that night looking through his pictures he found he captured this:

Spirit Portal

spirit Portal
I showed the pictures to Dave Campbell who is a psychic medium. He states this is a spirit portal and a very active one at that. The left picture is the top of the portal, while the right is the bottom of the portal. Now my sons are aware of my paranormal connection and up to this point they would tease me about my voodoo woodoo as they called it, but James just had a paranormal experience of his own and I had to tease him about it. Yet, that’s how it works. There is no way to predict when one will have a paranormal experience.
It can happen to anyone anywhere. Even my room mate who totally doesn’t believe in the paranormal now isn’t sure what he believes. Michael and I share an apartment together, and he’s fanatical about locking up whenever we leave it. So, he cannot explain why all of his forks are missing, and recently he couldn’t find two of his spoons either. We have searched everywhere for the missing silverware, but no such luck. So where did they go? That’s the million dollar question.
One night we were in bed listening to the ice cubes drop – except we don’t have an ice cube maker so needless to say Michael asks “What’s that?” What am I going to say? I replied “I don’t know”.
I’m used to the strange and unusual, but people around me think I bring the strange and unusual with me. I disagree. I think sometimes the world of the supernatural overlaps the world of the physical.

Things That go Bump
So, beware the things that go bump in the night. There will be no warning, but maybe one day you too will have your own paranormal experience and learn that the things that go bump in the night is real.
Nice job sis.. love the story because of its reality content.. keep up the good work.