
Fear rocks my core
And I look to you for stability
I want to link my pinky with yours
And breathe slowly
Your soft voice is
All I have now
So, I listen with care
Careful not to tune out
Fear rocks my core
Your meticulous ways
Cradle my fear
Even though you are not near
You see me before I see myself
You take me on paths
I am too scared to journey on
Holding me steady as I find my way
I am grounded in your truth
Relieved by your honesty
Responsive to your positivity
Fear released every time we connect
Fear rocks my core
But you heal my soul
For you, I am ever grateful
As my fear soothes and slows
This is a great piece about finding your peace and stability in troubling times. The part about the other seeing you before you see yourself is fundamentally overlooked in times of great stress or doubt. Thank you for putting in written word so others can see and adopt it as their norm.