When It Rains, It Pours, But You Need To Keep Walking
When it rains, it pours.
It’s kind of funny– I mean this May, Phoenix had a whopping total of zero inches of rain, yet I still found myself drenched the entire month.
It was quite disheartening because I was never prepared. I never seemed to have brought my raincoat and I never invested in a cute yellow pair of rain boots. I always seemed to have my make-up and hair all done-up when suddenly I’d hear the sound of thunder…
The next thing you know, I’m a mess. I’m completely soaked.
It’s so easy to lay down on the ground and just let your problems defeat you (this is a metaphor. I love laying on the floor, particularly after a long day or a warm shower. This is not the stellar experience I am talking about folks.)
But regardless of how rough the storm is, never stop going on walks.
You can interpret that as being somewhat overly-used (I prefer the word clever) way of me saying “Don’t give up kids. Stay strong. Rainbows after rain everyone!” *insert 2009 Facebook status*
I am talking about actual walks.
Like move your feet along the Earth’s surface, get that flexion & extension at the hip, knee, and ankle joints. At the front part of the foot, get that abduction and adduction at the hip joint. Be sure to get that rotation at the knee and hip joints.
Man, that was a mouthful. But I am sure you get my point now. Walk. This is a real walk.
Ha, did you see what I did there? I used “walk” instead of “talk”.
Hilarious, I already know. I can just imagine you all cringing when you read this.
Okay, okay, I will shut up.
Taking walks is so underrated.
*puts on shades*
*makes way downtown*
*walks fast*
*nods at strangers*
*wind suddenly changes directions*
For real though, I truly believe we all need an occasional walk. We all need a chance to breathe some fresh air (well the quality is somewhat debatable). Maybe that means finding a nearby trail and connecting with nature. Maybe it means walking across your apartment complex to take out the trash you’ve neglected for over a week, but low key choosing the long route so you can pass the cute boy with the cute dog.
I remember my friend Nicole told me that when I am at a loss of words, when my mind is discombobulated when I’m losing touch with the present, to go outside. Absorb some Vitamin D. Notice your surroundings. Sometimes we get so caught up into ourselves, our problems, our mini-universe, that we forget about the trees, the rocks, and that one dip in the road that we always curse at for slowly murdering our cars. Sometimes when we are overwhelmed beyond our limit and are on the verge of exploding, we simply need the breeze to slap some sense into ourselves.
I think its important to pay attention to the bric-a-bracs that lack any quality that would make them worthy of your attention like the faded lanes that decorate the streets. Or like the weeds you’ll catch your neighbor picking tomorrow morning, hunched-back and groaning. Or the sound of the bushes rustling.
Just take a second to notice.
Just take a few minutes to go on a walk.
Even on the sunniest days, it rains– and when it rains, it does in fact pour.
But that’s your reason to go outside.