Health & Wellness
Roar With Resilience
I have the privilege of being both a pediatric nurse and a mom. With 11 years of hospital bedside experience in the pediatric intensive ...Oropouche: How Concerned Should We be?
In 1955, a forest worker in Trinidad and Tobago contracted a fever. The worker recovered fully, though the disease persisted, with outbreaks occurring in ...Choice and Control
Little ones seek independence. This desire is met with making decisions for themselves. Allowing children to choose instills a sense of control over their ...Sleep To Heal
Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye ...Lassa Fever Suspected in Traveler’s Death
The Centers for Disease Control opened an investigation into the death of a traveler upon returning home to Iowa from West Africa. Previously, reports ...Three Hour Tylenol
Why does it feel like it takes forever and a day to acquire pain relief while in the hospital? I have knowledge of bedside ...Village of Nurses
It takes a village. A common phrase when speaking of raising kids. I believe it also applies to nursing. Nurses have many roles in ...The CDC BEAM Dashboard
Every year, the United States faces microbial pathogen outbreaks caused by amoebas, bacteria, and other microorganisms. These outbreaks manifest in a variety of diseases, ...Scary No More: ArboNet
The news cycle instills fear in the anxious. The zombie apocalypse might be just around the corner, right? Since the global pandemic of COVID-19, ...Mental Health Hacks
Life has been messy for the past month. Getting lost in a story is one of the best ways to cope with the ...