Rejection Happens
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get a full-time job with benefits. My parents always encourage me to write full-time instead of pursuing ...The New Year’s Air
The air gives off a serious aura It’s time to buckle our belts and tie up the hay It’s the season to plant eager ...Clockwork Courage
Standing on the precipice Anticipating the plungeYet, poisonous talons of fear Tear into my flesh Sinking deep into my hand,anesthetizing prefrontal cortex Pumping procrastination ...Allow Fate to Determine your Mantra to Energize the New Year
Scrolling through Facebook as 2023 neared its end, I came across a post on finding your mantra for 2024. Refusing to set myself up ...New Year, Now What?
The holidays are busy for everyone. It’s a flurry of presents, loved ones, and memories. Honestly, after all the celebrations, I’m lost on how ...The Newness of Years
every year dawns newcrisp chills on the wind the flowing of time as we all prepare hopes for a better futuredesire for a brighter ...Resolutions
A poem about my new year's resolution to step out from the shadows and write what I love.The Christmas Table
It’s Christmas day, and as the kids grumble about the gifts they didn’t receive, you’re in the kitchen, surrounded by the sharp aroma of ...