Allow Fate to Determine your Mantra to Energize the New Year

Scrolling through Facebook as 2023 neared its end, I came across a post on finding your mantra for 2024. Refusing to set myself up for failure, I no longer form traditional New Year’s resolutions. However, I enter the New Year with a word or two in mind to set a theme for the future. My words come to me in a variety of ways. This year, they arrived by fate as a Facebook post. It is time to energize the New Year as we allow fate to determine the theme.
The Facebook Post that Started it all
The challenge: find your New Year’s mantra in the first four words you see in the picture. There are no questions to answer or soul searching. Leave everything to the universe and the first four words your eyes fall upon. I closed my eyes and cleared my head. The following words became clear upon opening: Strength, Love, Power, Miracle.
Strength: Are You Serious?
The universe has a strange sense of humor. 2023 was full of challenges, and I am completely done being strong. The mere idea of going into the New Year pumped up to be my strongest self sounds awful. But the first word I saw was STRENGTH, so buckle up, we are getting ready to put our strongest foot forward in 2024.
Lead with Love Always
I fully support focusing on the word Love as we enter the New Year. If we lead with Love, everything else will fall into place. If we love our friends, family, and neighbors, we set an energy level of positivity. Loving others as you want to be loved is how we diminish judgmental behavior. I will focus on loving people well as we enter the New Year.
Embrace my Power
Do you ever feel powerless? I do. Recent life events have left me overwhelmed and helpless to make a difference. But the truth is, I have power. My power lies in my ability to keep moving forward. Power is found in the search for answers. It is time to embrace my power instead of sinking into a puddle of weakness and frustration.
Do We Need a Miracle?
The word miracle caught me by surprise. Miracle has a magical element. Something impossible will become possible. It is not time to seek a water-into-wine type of miracle. I think instead, it is time to find the little miracles all around us, like the small things that change the trajectory of the day, week, or month. It might also be time to be a miracle for someone else. I walk into 2024 with wide-open eyes to accept and create the magic of miracles.
What Words Do You See?
Are you ready to let fate determine your mantra for 2024? Clear your mind and let the words make themselves known. Take the first four words you see and give them a purpose in the New Year. Let’s walk into the New Year with energy and determination. Cheers to a New Year and the power to keep moving forward.