Change Your Thought Process

Have you ever wondered how you got to this point in your life? What events or decisions brought me here? I sure have, more times than I care to admit. No matter how hard I tried, nothing seemed to change. Learning to change the thought process is the first significant step.
We all want to fit in, but maybe we were meant to stand out. Be different from the crowd. Stick true to your morals and values. Sometimes taking the less traveled path develops the biggest reward in the end.
We all have potential, but most of us have no idea how to put it to good use. The first step in unleashing your gifts and potential is to love yourself and speak good things over your life. Changing your perspective and way of thinking is not easy, but it is achievable.
It has been proven that how you speak about yourself becomes the reality of your life. Start small and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Over time, this way of thinking will become a habit, help you have a better outlook on life, and reward you with success.
Learning from our mistakes help us to grow as a person and become a better person. If you were never at the bottom, how can you appreciate the things you have achieved when you make it to your goals?
There is a huge difference between making mistakes and having bad habits. Patterns and bad habits are hard to break. Sometimes change is the very thing you are scared of, but change can bring you much happiness if you decide to take that leap. Determining the difference is a crucial element of having a more positive outlook. A little self-awareness goes a long way.

Being grateful for what you already have will help you keep your eyes set on achieving the rest of your goals and dreams. Every day you can look around, and you have so many blessings to count. We often forget the simple things in life, such as having a place to sleep, water to drink, food to eat, and clothes to wear. You may not have the best, but you have what you need.
We often forget these blessings due to a bad day or something negative that happens in our lives. This is especially true when we have no control over what is happening to us. It is so hard to look beyond your circumstances at that point, but you need to remember not to waste time on things you cannot control.
One of my favorite quotes is, “Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it” by Crystal Andrus. There is always something to be grateful for, even just waking up in the morning.

The Company You Keep
Look at the five people you spend the most time with; are those people bringing you up, or are they dragging you down? This can be a hard reality to face. Negative people can hold you back and make you feel like nothing you are doing matters. They keep you stuck where you are no matter how hard you try. Positive people can lift you, make you want to be better, and have bigger goals and dreams.
The old saying bad company can corrupt good character is an actual reality. Yes, you may love your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, or family, but if you want a better life, you sometimes have to distance yourself from those “weights” that are holding you down. Your inner circle should like to see you succeed, so choose those you spend time with carefully.

The Past
It’s important to remember that your past does not define you. Some people weigh so heavily on their past and cannot get over the trauma they have survived. That is the beauty of it; you survived and have a brand new slate on which to write your life story. This goes along with being unable to control situations or other people’s actions.
Continue to be the bright light in someone’s life, and remember to be your light because no one is coming to save you. Every day is a new day with the opportunity to become a better version of yourself. By changing how we think about ourselves, we can change our own lives and even positively impact others. Your past, good or bad, full of happiness or pain, has made you who you are. Learning from our history is a huge help to our future success.

This may be one of the hardest things to do, especially when the person you are forgiving is not sorry or has not made any effort to show how they acted was wrong. When you forgive others for their actions, you take power away that has been holding you back. What they did can no longer control you or your life. The only thing you can do is control how you respond to other people’s actions and words.
Forgiveness lifts a weight from your shoulders. When we don’t forgive, we allow them to continue inflicting those hurts on us.

The journey of improving yourself and staying positive is a task you must complete every day of your life. Focusing on your strengths by changing the way you talk to yourself can point you in the best direction.
Just know it will become easier, and one day all of your hard work and dedication to being the best version of yourself will pay off with rewards that your mind is not even capable of understanding. Here’s to a great day, a great week, a great month, a great year, and a great life!