Gillette’s Latest Picture Proves That People Are Just Mean

Gillette can’t seem to catch a break.
Last week, the shaving company released a photo featuring plus- size, body positive model Anna O’Brien with the caption “Go out there and slay the day”. And the internet had some feelings. Immediately, the comment section was filled with social media doctors, condemning Gillette on promoting such an “unhealthy” lifestyle. And goddamn it, the internet does not seem to want me to stop rolling my eyes.
My initial reaction? Why does it even matter? All I saw was a fabulous woman, having fun and living her best life. She just so happened to be fat. Yes, I said fat, we need to take away the negative connotation with the word. It was refreshing not seeing an overly sexualized shaving ad geared towards women. Because most women don’t fit that aesthetic that most shaving ads put out anyway. I don’t think Gillette is trying to promote an unhealthy lifestyle, I think they’re just trying to normalize and celebrate women of all shapes and sizes.
I think the biggest thing that aggravated me about the comments is that so many people still equate fat to being unhealthy. We can not tell by looking at someone from the outside, if they’re healthy on the inside. I mean, Bob Harper, the celebrity trainer from The Biggest Loser suffered a massive heart attack a few years ago. And do you really think that these Instagram models that fill themselves with detox teas and have extremely unattainable bodies given to them by doctors are healthy? No. As someone who follows Anna on social media, I know that she’s an avid runner. She’s said in interviews that she works out at least four times a week. But she works out to feel better about herself, not to strictly lose weight. When it comes to fat people working out, they’re damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t. It’s ridiculous.
And finally, how does the picture affect your personal life on a daily basis? It doesn’t. It doesn’t affect your life one bit. But you know who it does affect? Anna. People type out these hateful comments, and they seem to forget there’s someone on the other side of the computer. If you need to spew your insecurities and hate onto someone else, you need to rethink your life. Especially when it’s someone that has more money in their bank account than you do, and who has more class and confidence. Worry about fixing yourself and mind your business.