In Deep Water: Chapter 3

- In Deep Water: Chapter 1
- In Deep Water: Chapter 2
- In Deep Water: Chapter 3
- In Deep Water: Chapter 4
- In Deep Water: Chapter 5
- In Deep Water: Chapter 6
- In Deep Water: Chapter 7
- In Deep Water: Chapter 8
- In Deep Water: Chapter 9
- In Deep Water: Chapter 10
- In Deep Water: Chapter 11
- In Deep Water: Chapter 12
- In Deep Water: Chapter 13
- In Deep Water: Chapter 14
“What the fuck is going on? Where’s Xander?” Sophie and I follow Nathan into a sea of crewmembers, who are moving debris and medical equipment through the halls of Deck Two. The air is thick with the remnants of smoke, making it difficult to breathe.
“Over here, Emily!” Xander waves to them from the medical center, wincing as a nurse dabs his forehead with a damp cloth. He sits on the edge of a cot, his forearms resting on his knees.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” My stomach churns when the cloth comes away red. I glance at a green-looking Sophie as she quickly turns away, her hand going to her mouth.
“Yea, it’s just a scratch.” Xander quirks a brow at Sophie.
“She’s had a thing about blood since we were kids.” I explain, shrugging.
Xander thanks the nurse once she places a fresh bandage over the gash. “We’re lucky nobody was seriously hurt.”
The nurse nods. “Some minor cuts and bruises and one mild concussion.”
Xander exhales. “It seems the explosion came from the Lab’s fridge and freezer unit. Thankfully, there was no one in the vicinity when it happened. We don’t know the cause yet. My people are investigating it.”
Sophie turns around, wringing her hands. “We won’t sink, will we?”
“Nah, from what we can see, the blast was contained to decks one and two. We should be okay.” Xander offers her a soft smile, flashing a perfect set of white teeth.
“Should?” I question, head tilted.
Xander’s smile broadens as his gaze shifts to me, and he winks. He stands, grabbing his jacket off the cot beside him. He runs a hand through his wild locks as he strides towards the stairs. “I’ll text the captain to give the all clear.”
Nathan follows close behind, his heavy boots echoing off the cream-colored walls. Glancing at Sophie and me, he rubs a hand over his scruffy chin. “It wouldn’t be too inappropriate to mention food, would it?”
Xander checks his phone. “Not at all. Captain’s made the announcement. The kitchens should open up again shortly.”
My belly growls at the mention of food, and I stroll to the elevator. “Are you going to join us, Xander?”
He cups the back of his neck. “No, I have a meeting with some Lucas Tech Executives. See you all later?”
I nod and press the button for Deck Three. “What do you think caused it to blow up?”
Sophie shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Nathan steps out as the doors slide open. “I’m sure Xander will inform us when he finds out.”
Chewing on my bottom lip, I glance over the Caferia. Each restaurant comes to life as employees work to fill orders and refill buffet tables. “I really love all the options in this place.”
Sophie licks her lips. “Me too. What are you thinking? I can hear the Crab Rangoons calling my name.”
Nathan chuckles. “I’m thinking pizza. Meet at our spot?”
My face scrunches. “We have a spot?”
Nathan gestures to the table we had breakfast at this morning.
I lift a shoulder. “Fine by me.”
Sophie and I wait in line for the Chinese buffet. She turns to stare at me with a grin slowly crossing her face.
“What?” I ask.
“Xander?” Her eyebrows wriggle.
My cheeks heat as I grab a tray. “You noticed that too?”
Sophie laughs, grabbing some silver wear. “It’s so obvious. The way he looks at you.” She shivers.
I giggle as we pile food on our plates and make our way to our new spot.
Nathan is already chomping on a piece of pizza, grease dripping off his fingers and onto his plate. Seeing him outside of the classroom has humanized my view of him. It’s difficult to believe that the guy is twice our age and our professor.
Sophie’s nose wrinkles. “How do you eat that?”
“Like this.” He takes another bite, looking more like a five-year-old boy than a forty-two-year-old man.
She rolls her eyes and dips her egg roll in duck sauce.
“When do you think we’ll make it to the trench?” I say around a mouthful of lo mein noodles.
“You know we can’t understand a word you say when your mouth is full, right?” Sophie sighs.
I swallow and stick my tongue out. Sophie tosses a packet of soy sauce at me, and I catch it.
“You are both children.” Nathan snorts. “I hope we get there soon. The first few days of these expeditions always take too long.”
“Have you explored this area before, Professor D?”
Nathan glances about the room. “No, the last expedition I took was off the Hawaiian Islands.”
“Oh! I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii!” I bounce in my seat.
“It’s beautiful. We were exploring a wreck off Oahu. I hiked Diamond Head Crater and visited Pearl Harbor’s Historic Sites.”
“Ugh, I’m jealous.” Sophie breathes.
A tray clatters next to me, and I jump.
“Sorry.” Xander winks as he fills the seat beside me.
“The meeting go well?” I twirl my fork, ignoring the butterflies that dance in my abdomen as our thighs brush. I catch the smirk on Sophie’s face and bite my lip to keep from laughing.
He clenches his jaw. “They are considering pulling out of the mission.”
Sophie frowns. “What do you mean?”
Nathan’s lips purse. “You told them about the blast?”
“I didn’t tell them a thing.” Xander picks a fry off his tray and sighs. “They heard.”
“From whom?” Nathan’s brows rise.
“Take your pick. Most of the crew answers to my father.” Xander grumbles, taking a bite of his burger.
“So, what are you going to do?” I glance with Sophie.
Xander combs a hand through his hair. “Not a clue. I’m open to suggestions.”
He laughs into the ensuing silence.
“What if you had a talk with your dad?” I offer for only him to hear, understanding the sensitivity of the topic.
He turns his icy blue stare on me, and I forget to breathe. There’s a sadness in his gaze and something else I can’t pinpoint.
Nathan slaps the table, and I look over with a start. “What do you all say about finishing that tour?”
Sophie hums an agreement, and I look at Xander, who is still staring at me. I’m about to ask what he’s staring at, but his cell beeps. He looks down and reads something off his screen. “They’ve figured out what caused the explosion. Compressor malfunctioned.”
“Can they fix it?” Sophie asks.
We dump our trays and walk to the lift.
“Not until we dock again. We’ll have to make do with what we’ve got.”
We enter on Deck Seven. Crewmembers recline on several couches along the side of the room, watching movies or playing video games on their respective televisions. The other side of the space houses multiple gaming tables where several people are enjoying a selection of board games.
“Holy shit.” Sophie whispers, eyebrows raised.
“Welcome to the Lounge.” Xander motions to the rear of the boat. “We also have an arcade, plus an extensive library.”
“Yep. This is my favorite floor.” Sophie declares.
“Wait until you see the Lido Deck.” Xander grins before stepping into the elevator and waiting for us to embark.
“Lido?” Sophie asks.
“It’s the top floor,” Nathan explains.
Sophie gasps as the doors chime. Deck Eight opens to the outside. Shrubs and bushes of every shape and color line the walkway, leading to and encircling a swimming pool, equipped with a water slide and diving board. Cabanas and tanning chairs surround the pool, offering maximum relaxation for the vessel’s occupants. At least, that’s what Xander claims.
“This place is amazing.” Sophie murmurs.
“You like it? We tried to keep some features from her cruise ship days.” Xander’s mobile rings and he answers it.
“Better than the Lounge, Soph?” I smirk.
Sophie’s eyes widen and she nods.
“I’ve got good news.” Xander hangs up the phone. “We’ve made it to the trench!”
Editor: Michelle Naragon