Tag: Anxiety
My heartbeat quickens. The need to do anything. A sickening feeling within my heart. I feel I must move. My fingers, my legs, something. Before I lose myself and fall apart. It squeezes and tightens its grip As if I were a rag drenched in water Yet, no matter how many droplets free ...- FictionPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessLifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & Relationships
Behind Books
She sat at her desk, Wondering if life was Worth living beyond the Contents of her mind, Because she found fantasy Kinder then the reality Beyond her bedroom door Where the shouts and hurt Filled the very air She breathed. Drowning in her loneliness, Her friends were the books On her shelves and the birds ... How My Nerdiness Is Helping Me Cope
I will be the first to tell you that suffering from anxiety is far from fun. Every moment of every day, my brain works against me. I wonder if I have said something to offend someone if I was too awkward in a given situation. These are the things that bother me regularly. Sure, there ...Self-Care Kits
I’ve written about self-care before. As somebody who deals with their mental health daily, without some form of self-care, I’d be more of a mess than I already am. Self-care can take a variety of forms and it is not one size fits all. We are all different in our needs and what makes us ...- CultureScience & TechnologyCreativityEntertainmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & Autobiographies
Writing Butterflies
My creative writing teachers in college always used to say there was no such thing as writer’s block. They said as long as you sat down to write something would end up on the page eventually. I usually don’t have this issue because I have a cast of characters who will comment on anything from ... The Hardest Humble
Kendrick Lamar said it best in his song Humble, “be humble, sit down,” but being humble is easier said than done. To be “humble,” according to the dictionary, is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance. In my experience being humble isn’t how you present yourself. It’s the act of tossing ...New Job Jitters (The Art of Transition)
Obtaining a new job is no easy fleet. Especially if it’s a position that’s out of your normal realm of expertise. It’s hard work. You perfect your application, cover letter, and resume. These items shine brighter than an engagement ring. You aced the interview, you rocked the thank you letters, and now the position is ...The Only Thing
My husband and I took a week-long trip to Washington, DC, in early July. It felt so surreal to visit The White House, the U.S. Capitol, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It is incredible how much history each place has. Visiting the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial was the most impactful part of the ...Five Things For Self-Care
An essential part of mental health many advocates discuss is self-care. Simplistic in its approach, self-care can be much more challenging to accomplish when your mind is telling you, “You aren’t worth it.” The question we often struggle to answer is, what do you do when you’re struggling with that voice in your head? There ...Toxic People And How To Handle Them
Warning: The contagious agent of toxicity is spreading. Avoid this agent at all cost. It’s sneaky, manipulative and if you allow it, it has the power to overtake you. It is my wholehearted belief that toxic people should come with warning labels. I had a recent encounter with a person who displays these poisonous personality ...