• Dextrose Bag on IV Stand

    Read Parts 1-7 My forehead prickles as a hand lifts the hair away from my face and my eyelids flicker open. Madison’s rosebud lips bloom into a grin, the corners of her eyes crinkling in the morning light. A lock of red curls falls over her face as she kisses my nose.   “Good morning, ...
  • fractal space

    Having fled to my room to think about my previous actions, I felt lost. There was no doubt that I was confused or that I had no idea what was going on. However, that did not excuse my behavior, and I knew that. As I cried myself to sleep, I knew that a line had ...
  • crying

    I had a job on the ship now. The one task that I could complete to pass the time until we arrived at our final destination. Taking a deep breath, I tried to center myself from the fear that had taken root. You see, I may be the princess of Caesar Seven, but there were ...
  • space console

    Being able to get the thoughts and feelings that were running through my head on paper was exhilarating. The weight that settled on my chest lifted. I could breathe again, if only slightly better. My mind allowed me to sleep peacefully for the first night in a good long while. I never knew how much ...
  • journaling

    Standing here in my room, I wondered what I was going to do next. It was clear that someone on this ship was attempting to take care of me. I would thank whoever it was. I needed to; it was the only thing that made this situation more bearable. Politeness and tolerance would get me ...
  • scandinavian room

    I must have dozed off because when I awoke next, there were things in the room with me. Lying at the foot of the bed was a set of towels and wash rags — all in a beautiful ice blue. On top were soap, shampoo, and various other items, I would need to clean up ...
  • viking

    A new day dawned and I was prepared for what was to come, or so I thought. My time with this mysterious woman was over and now I needed to set out once again. It had only been a scant few days since I escaped Matthias and a part of me knew that he could ...
  • bakery

    That was all the signal I needed. I ran towards the gate, following the other’s heading that way. No one would think anything as I moved through the crowd and out onto the docks. We had landed early and I was using that knowledge to hide my escape. Other guards thought that perhaps someone had ...
  • herbs

    I looked at the woman and wondered what she would say to that. Would she even agree? There weren’t a lot of other options. I would poison them if I thought it wouldn’t hurt anyone else. The challenge is going to be to make sure that whatever we put in their food doesn’t end up ...
  • manicure

    When it was time for me to get out of the tub, I gingerly climbed out and stood there as Dahlia wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. From here I was moved over to the next station on the rotation. Apparently, I wasn’t allowed to dress yet, instead my hair needed to be ...