Tag: love
10 Signs You’re Addicted To Books
Anyone else feel like they need an AA meeting because they are a little (a lot) interested (obsessed) with reading and books? For the about of time, energy, and money spent because of this passion (addiction)? Us book lovers can’t seem to function without reading and can develop a twitch just thinking about the time not ...Stickmen For The Mausoleum
1. Saguaro The refracted sunlight cut me in half. Unexpected, given the way, the Lord teased with dreams of freedom. Instead, handing over concrete, and busted Seagram’s bottles. We never knew its warmth was meant for us. I didn’t know the sun could arch that high, and peer down so lovingly. Until we drove southeast. ...- Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainmentHealth & WellnessCultureCreativity
I Fell In Love With A Pirate Princess, And All I Got Was A Lousy Execution
My charge, Anastasia, always says, “People do crazy things when they are in love.” Her impromptu trips to Earth turned her into a hopeless romantic. She always brings back these hologram movies where the girl is stuck in this impossible situation, and her true love can save her. I’ve always assured her that her husband ... If I Could
What wouldn’t I give to start over go back and do it all differently If I could know then what I know now so I could do it all right If I could change it and make better choices so we never wound up in this mess If I could it wouldn’t make a difference ...I Am Sorry
The wet tile floor firm against my cheek. If I could have drowned in my tears… I would have removed my life vest without hesitation. I shielded the truth by turning on the fan and shower water, by locking the bathroom doors, and by keeping this tale an undisturbed secret— until today. I ...Discovering You
show me what you’re made of all that glitter and gold spontaneous emotions roll around like coins panic fills your eyes hate fills your soul maybe it’s your fault the way things went this time perhaps you prefer to blame the world for one more failure life is what we make it shapes us no ...Moving Forward
“What I would give to have one more day of that year.” A friend recently shared a group photo from almost eight years ago, and a mutual friend commented this sentiment on it. The photo has over a dozen people in it. Most would agree that it was an incredible year, full of fantastic memories. ...Cruise Control
The whole situation is just like weird. I miss him, I truly do. I am not really sure what aspect in particular, but I do know I miss him. Which I guess is a normal part of a break up. Our drive was not long nor short; it still wore down the tires. But the ...- CultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Sisters Are Forever
I was born May 7, 1957. Goodness, that means I will be sixty-one this year. OUCH! How time flies by. On my 3rd birthday, May 7, 1960, my mother decided that I didn’t need toys for my birthday. Instead, she decided what I needed for my birthday present was … a baby sister. So, Tracy ...