Tag: marriage
Love You More Fifteen Years Later
February is the month of gray and the month of love all wrapped up into one. Did someone plan this phenomenon? I believe it is all a plan to get us through the last cold, gray month of winter before the promise of spring lies before us. Some may call it a capitalist ploy to ...Enchantment and Love
First Date Two shy and lonely people met amidst the magic of the starry night. Love is enchanting, so it meandered through the lovers’ hearts. The attraction fluttered in every cell of their bodies. She knew he was the one; he would ask her to marry him. He couldn’t be without her. The first date brought delightful giddiness where ...How To Follow God’s True Desire for Marriage
Marriage is a sacred bond between two people. A relationship desired by God and meant to be held as infinitely important. As God desires us to be in an intimate relationship with Him, our personal relationships also need to adhere to certain standards. When the high standards of the most holy are not met, we ...The Vacant House
There is an old cigar shop on the edge of Cedar Hill Park with boarded windows and doors on the side near the crest. The passersby complain about the eyesore, though the house is unsure of how they or it know about the old cigar shop without signage. Inside the house, the people’s furniture and ...- Health & WellnessUncategorizedCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsLifestyle
Marriage Equality Does Not Include Everyone
For me, getting married is something I have always dreamed about. Having a disability has nothing to do with lessening my desire to become a spouse, but my dream of happily ever after may never come true because of the law. It is not that the Social Security Administration (SSA) prohibits a person with a ... - CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenLifestyle
Burn Memory Burn
A dying fire burns in the hearth, grey smoke unfurling and twisting into the open air. Dust particles alight beneath the breaking of a new day. And he sits in his chair, old, decrepit, half-mad, as old thoughts bring fresh wounds. The first thought is of her smile: how it crinkled her face and brought ... One Last Chance
When I woke up, my body felt like it was soaked in a bucket of sweat. I peeled back the blankets that stuck to me like a second skin. My clothes felt like they were made of lead. I dragged myself to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face to wake me up, ...Lily
“Lily, slow down!” Lily didn’t want to wait for Mommy. After three days of rain, Mommy finally said it was time visit Daddy. So, Lily kept running, she knew the way. She stopped mid-run, spread her arms wide, and looked up toward the bright blue sky, squinting from the sun that was no longer blocked ...An Open Letter to My Husband on Our Anniversary
“And you can tell everybody, that this is your song. It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done; I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” -Elton John Dear Husband, We have made it through life together for sixteen years! Can ...