• dragon flying over a rock

    The worst feeling in the world is knowing what you want to say but thinking no one will listen. I started using the fantasy worlds I created to give myself an escape. Lately, fantasy worlds seem too close to reality. Most modern popular fantasy features corrupt governments and a character who changes their world for ...
  • Jason & Kris enjoying Dad's new hammock

    Even though Millie has ceased to be a daily presence, her passing leaves a painful emptiness. John and I feel the absence of her voice, wit, and her “good morning” to the cat, Toot. I puzzle over her occasional “Guess what baby boy did today” is doing cart-wheels in my head. Like a jigsaw puzzle, ...
  • The Lodwig Gravestone

    Previously, I had stated, “And thus ended the year 1991 Anno Domini.” Not entirely, though! The year 1991 is also the year Millie leaves us. Millie and John have a minor argument, and invariably, it gets blown out of proportion. Things are tense for a few days, and Millie needs a break. Two of her ...
  • Thanksgiving Day with my granddaughter and nephew coloring at the table

    November was sunny, yet chilly. The unmistakable scent of Thanksgiving wafted through Aunt Vickie’s home. As soon as one walked through the door, the fresh scent of welcome and hospitality met you. A few things had changed over the years, and yet they held an air of unfamiliarity since this was the first Thanksgiving done ...
  • Brian & Monica -1991

    Brian is a student at Macomb, juggling school, relationships, and business ventures. His only real friend and constant companion is Stinger, the orange tabby with thumbs. The extra toes on each paw are his crowning glory, despite being at the paw end. When Brian visits home, Stinger is with him. The cats, Toot and Stinger, ...
  • After an Argument

    Random Checking John and I are flying to Canada. We landed at the Montreal Dorval airport. As passengers disembark the plane, an airport official approaches and asks me to leave the crowd. To the officer’s surprise, John steps out along with me. They also asked another gentleman in the group to step aside. We are ...
  • Jamuna Dai's great grandsons, Fateh and Subir (my nephews), at our first meeting ever.

    “Good grades lead to scholarships for higher education. A meaningful degree leads to well-paying jobs with opportunities to advance.” This message is drummed incessantly by Grandfather. His children picked up the refrain and beat it into their children (i.e., my generation). We continued the tradition. After their mother’s passing, grandfather demanded all his children finish ...
  • Early 1900's picture of my Dad's father-my grandfather

    Once again, the eight-year-old me is standing under the mantle staring up at that serious, soft-eyed person in the picture. Sometimes, when passing through this room, I glance up and smile. Other times, I fear he is watching me as if he is judging. When no one is around, I return his gaze and try ...
  • Jason, Kelly, Brian sometime late 1979-ealry 1980

    We returned to Chicago, and Mummy gave her consent to proceed with the wedding as planned. Everything is now rushed, but it turned out well. It’s a quiet affair, a simple ceremony with flowers, candles, and champagne at the Unitarian Church. Words by Dr. Gibbons from the Bible fall soft as petals. Kelly reads passages ...
  • Sacred city of Haridwar

    Upon hearing of Daddy’s demise, John and I rush to call Mummy in Ottawa, Canada. Mummy reminds us to inform Kaushalya Aunty, Daddy’s older sister, of his passing. We drive to Oak Brook, where she lives with her daughter, Sucharita, and her family. Wailing and sobbing her heart out, my aunt insists on talking to ...