• a yellow sunflower

    What will you do this Summer?
  • Thanksgiving Day with my granddaughter and nephew coloring at the table

    November was sunny, yet chilly. The unmistakable scent of Thanksgiving wafted through Aunt Vickie’s home. As soon as one walked through the door, the fresh scent of welcome and hospitality met you. A few things had changed over the years, and yet they held an air of unfamiliarity since this was the first Thanksgiving done ...
  • photo of scattered black and white photographs

    Years had collected into decades before Zach and Gina returned to their parents’ unfinished basement. The constant smell of mildew had kept them away during countless visits home. Once a refuge for friends, it now served as a time capsule. A chocolate-colored shag rug segmented the area as a rec room. Two ancient, faded plaid ...
  • two girls on Halloween night with pumpkins and a witch

    In 1990, Halloween’s enchanting spell Cast its magic over our Southern communityLike a sweet-smelling mist that fills the air, and makes your heart beat fast with pure delight. My sister dresses as a black cat, no surprise,While I take on the role of Madonna, The Material Girl, herself My golden hair in waves, lacy black gloves in placeI ...
  • witch hat and lavender

    A poem to celebrate the changing of the seasons!
  • Marble Statue

    A new spring is about to startTen lost winters have weathered my heartAnd mud-larks still sing until dark Bridges of dreams were crossedThe ocean and river spannedWaters of love found Our true love ran deepCascading over hidden rocksAnd sharp stones were softened by sand The winds of time shreddedOur threadbare sailsAnd replaced the canvas sheetsWith ...
  • A house with large glass windows

    There is an old cigar shop on the edge of Cedar Hill Park with boarded windows and doors on the side near the crest. The passersby complain about the eyesore, though the house is unsure of how they or it know about the old cigar shop without signage. Inside the house, the people’s furniture and ...